We have a vision for the future and what that means for The Builder Depot customer is larger and faster order fullfilment. Need product for an entire 12 story office building? We can handle it! And you will get the same quality service and product you are familiar with.

Our new warehouse is equipped with 15 loading docks, 50,000 square feet of space, and houses our entire production department. Not to mention, it is 100% owned by The Builder Depot, so you can rest knowing you’re not paying anything extra for our growth!

We already had an incredible selection of 20 to 30 lots per item, and now our improved space helps us get to your product and match up your order quickly. We will even take pictures of the match before we ship you the order, to guarantee your satisfaction with every purchase.

In the coming months, The Builder Depot plans to tackle the cement tile market and bring you the savings you love. It is a great handmade product. But overpriced by the market. We will improve the 150 year old process of manufacturing these tiles! And you will get a timeless and unique look in every space in your home!