All delivery dates are estimates. We cannot guarantee specific deadlines. We recommend booking installation after receipt of the product.

On delivery day or when picking up from a terminal:
Inspect the outside of the boxes for any signs of damage. If the product is damaged the boxes will show distress and be torn.
Make a note on the delivery slip (BOL) for the amount of any damaged boxes or the amount of missing cartons – even make a note that there is damage. Ask them to call their supervisor if necessary especially if there is not time for the driver to wait for you to check the package – this will allow Freight Company to leave the amount of damage open and wait for you to call them with the exact quantity.
Sign the delivery slip and receive both the damaged and undamaged product.
The delivery terms are curbside delivery. Which means not on your property. However in our experience 50% of customers ask the driver to back the truck up onto their driveway. This way the lift-gate can lower the product down and use the pallet truck (that comes on the vehicle) to maneuver the pallet into their garage. This is at the drivers discretion. If you require inside delivery please let us know.
Count the boxes to make sure they are all there. Check the number of Square Feet in a box. The tricky one is the 12x24" as each tile is two square feet. The mosaics are easy. If not do not sign for all the boxes and note on the slip the shortage.
Call us to arrange for the replacement of the damaged product or any boxes that may be missing.

Please check your shipment and make sure all the product is there on the day of delivery. Claims for missing product must be made within 3 days of receipt of your order. However if you sign for the product without noting any missing or damaged items on the paperwork we cannot file a claim for you.

We replace your product and work with the delivery companies on shipping claims. This is full service with us filing your claim providing you sign for the damage upon receipt of the shipment. If you do not sign for shipping damage on the BOL at the time of delivery we lose our ability to file a claim with the delivery company on your behalf. This means we are not able to provide you with replacement material at no cost and you have to file a claim with the shipping company on your own.

*Please note any changes to the shipping arrangement have to be made through us. If you decided to take delivery without a lift-gate and your circumstances change then please contact us prior to the product being delivered to have a lift-gate added. This will incur additional cost which you will be responsible for.

If you change the terms from residential delivery to a terminal pick up you need to contact us prior to picking up the freight. In this circumstance you will probably want the lower freight charge of a terminal delivery. We cannot negotiate a lower freight cost once you have collected the freight.

Click here for a detailed breakdown and 13 step process of delivery day and a couple of key FAQs